IODE Evangeline Chapter 1934

IODE Evangeline Chapter. New tested recipes. Halifax: 1934 Driver NS43.1.

The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE) was founded by Margaret Polson Murray of Montreal in 1900, and chapters were quickly established cross Canada. In 1901 the head office moved to Toronto and the federation was incorporated as the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire.

Within a ten-year period, 1924 to 1934, as a fund-raising venture the Evangeline Chapter of Halifax produced four cookbooks, each one entirely new. Mrs. Elizabeth (Bess) Hazelett Sieniewicz, née Dobson (1893–1938) was the (unnamed) chair of the organizing committee for New Tested Recipes of 1934, according to her grandson Robert Kincaide. She had graduated in 1912 from the Macdonald Institute, Guelph, Ontario, with a certificate as a domestic science teacher. Mrs. Sieniewicz contributed numerous recipes to the collection to fill out the categories. The Evangeline Chapter was disbanded in 1966.

Besides recipes the cookbook includes tables of measures and proportions, and in “What the menu means” provides English translations of French-language food words. The names of the lady contributors are given for a majority of the recipes.

The digitization of the cookbook has been sponsored by Robert Kincaid.