In these pages we honour distinguished culinary historians for their many achievements, including authorship and culinary skills.

CHC President Luisa Giacometti with Honorary Lifetime Member Dorothy Duncan, October 15, 2016. Photo by Sarah Hood.
CHC Honorary Lifetime Members
Taste Canada Awards – Hall of Fame/
Le Temple de la renommée Les Saveurs du Canada
(sponsored by Culinary Historians of Canada /
commandité par les Historiens culinaires du Canada)
CHC Preserving & Baking Hall of Fame
Please contact us at if you can help us make our records more accurate or complete.
- Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Canning Competition (heritage jam and pickle categories sponsored by Culinary Historians of Canada)
- Redpath Competition at Hungry for Comfort: A Celebration of Food History (preserving and baking competitions co-organized by Culinary Historians of Canada)
- Mad for Marmalade, Crazy for Citrus! (marmalade-themed preserving and baking competitions co-organized by Culinary Historians of Canada)